A brief sequence for Sudarsana Homam acording to one sampradhAyam is as follows:
- 1. Sudarsana Manthra Japam with kara nyAsam , HrudhayAdhi nyAsam , DhyAanam , ViniyOgam
- 2. Sudarsana AshTottharam starting with (PraNavam) SudarsanAya nama: and concluding with (PraNavm) NaarAyaNakrupAvyUha tEjascchakrAya nama:
- 3. SrI Sudarsana Homa MahA Sankalpam
- 4. Kumba AavAhanam: In that Kumbam , VaruNan , Lakshmi NaarAyaNan, Sudarsan are invoked and ShOdasOpachAra AarAdhanam is performed
- 5. Agni Prathishtai
- 6. Homam with the following Manthrams:
- ** SrI Sudarsana ShadAkshari(108 times)with aahUthi
- ** SrI Sudarsana GaayathrI
- ** SrI Sudarsana MaalA Manthram
- ** SrI Nrusimha manthram
- ** SrI Nrusimha GaayathrI
- ** SrI VishNu GaayathrI
- ** SrI LakshmI GaayathrI
- ** SrI LakshmiI Manthra Homam
- ** SrI DhanvanthrIi Manthra prayOgam
- ** SrI Paanchajanya Gaayathri
- ** PoorNAhUthi
- All (the Four participants)/rhtviks) and the spectators go around the Agni Kuntam and recite SrI SudarsanAshtakam. The Basmam (saampal) from the Homam is worn on the forehead for auspiciousness and protection.
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