Abhijit Nakshatra is one among the birth stars and the time period of it is considered highly auspicious. Abhijit Nakshatra April 2012 date and time is from 4:38 AM on April 14 to 12:17 PM on April 14, 2012. As per Hindu astrology, this birth star is not counted among the 27 regular Nakshatras (birthstars).
Some astrologers count the Nakshatra as the 28th birth star. It is considered a highly auspicious and meritorious period.
This is a special Nakshatra which starts from the last quarter of Uttarashada (Uttradam) Nakshatra and it extends up to 1/15th part of Shravan (Thiruvovam) Nakshatra. Abhijit Nakshatra is given importance by many Hindu communities.
Birth taking place during the period is considered highly auspicious.
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