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 Dhanurmasam is a significant period in South India states, spanning from December 15th to January 14th. It is a sacred time for Hindus, especially Vaishnavites, and holds immense importance in South Indian states due to the following reasons:

1. *Spiritual Significance*: Dhanurmasam is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and is considered an auspicious time for spiritual growth, meditation, and prayer.

2. *Festivals and Celebrations*: This period sees various festivals like Vaikunta Ekadashi, Koodaravalli, and Bhogi Pongal, which are deeply rooted in South Indian culture and tradition.

3. *Pongal Celebrations*: Dhanurmasam culminates in the harvest festival of Pongal, which is a four-day celebration honoring the Sun God and the bounty of nature.

4. *Cultural Events*: During Dhanurmasam, many cultural events, such as classical music concerts, dance recitals, and religious discourses, take place in temples and cultural centers across South Indian states.

5. *Charitable Activities*: This period is considered ideal for charitable activities, such as donating to the poor, conducting annadanam (food distribution), and engaging in other acts of service.

In summary, Dhanurmasam is a spiritually charged period in South Indian states, marked by festivals, cultural events, and charitable activities, making it a unique and significant time for the people of South India.


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