For the sanctity of the bhoktha these are all the must.
1. He should be fairly healthy, married and a family man and with no physical handicappedness.
2. He should refrain from family life on the previous day.
3. He should have fasted the previous day.
4. He should be clean, neatly dressed and should have taken oil bath on the day.
5. He should partake only in one sraadha on a day. This is very important.
6. On the sraardha day too other than the food taken no meals should be taken in the night.
7. If not done the Veda Adyayanam fully, at least he must a be a person doing his daily Gayatri Japa. And above all,
8. He should not be from the same Gothra as that of Kartha.
I think you agree if I state such a bhoktha has to be fully compensated with Dakshina and other forms . Bhoktha can partake maximum seven sraadhas in a month. The entire month bhoktha and his family has to survive on the dakshina.
In general the Nakshatra for birth and thithi for death is taken. However, for the Lords, the thithi is given importance by many and the nakshatra is given importance by others. (Few for the festivity consider Pusyha/Rohini).
In Srivaishnava, even a fraction of seconds of Sapthami is not to be there for Sri Krishna Jayanthi, even if Rohini slips out!
The reason for this is as we live on this earth it is to be taken according to this planets rotational movements that falls in the Nakshatra. And for the Pithru’s it the Thithi is important because, as the Pithru locational calander is based on fifteen days Sukla/Krishna paksha is a day for them.
As far the Lords, it is the one and same applicable as they too were born and departed souls in this earth! These are my assumptions and there is no syllable I can quote. May be I have not come across any such notations on this. I admit the fact, I am not able to say why srardha should not be conducted as per star.
A srardha performed near any of the Sacred river-side known as Jeeva Nadhi is always has multiple benefits. And when it comes to Gaya, Kasi or Sethu known as Rameswaram, it has more value, as these places are mentioned as Punya-Kshetra, where the Lord Himself has set His foot.
More so, in Gaya the Lord’s feet print (only in single) known, as Vishnu Padam is located, thus signifying the offering the Pindam directly to the Vishnu Padam.
Thus Gaya srardham gets highest merits to add punya-bhalam to the coming generations in a flow.
As stated earlier, being the important place where Sri Mahavishnu’s footprint known as Vishnu Padam is located, it was widely given much more importance in Srardha Niyama. Thus expecting the entire Sanadhana Dharma followers will be visiting once in their lifetime, the settlement of Brahmin communities was imminent. To help it’s followers, each Mutt or Sect has established it’s branches to facilitate the visitors of respective sect to do the ordained ritual; they made every available source to render its services to the needy.
Here in Gaya, irrespective of your faith and membership of one’s sect, you can perform the srardha from any other mutt also, as the aim and intention is the same. Also, the mantra vidhi is all the same for every one!
Another important thing-Every body who simply desire to go are not able to go to these places. Some obstructions in some way come in their way. Above all some destiny take us there…. And only the gifted one does perform the Srardha here, let what come the cost.
The Gaya Srardha has no equations. It is the specialty of Vishnu Padam location, which counts much more benefits; one needs to do, perform the Theertha Srardha once in their lifetime.
Above all, it is the gifted souls that reach their to perform the srardha – either in the belief of weeding off their sins, or to gain to punyabhalam; in most cases, the visitors sincerely and honestly perform it there, to relieve the souls and send them to their ultimate destinations, out of pure love, affection and care for the departed persons.
ఆబ్దికం సమయము: సూర్యోదయము మొదలు సూర్యాస్తమయము వరకు గల పగటికాలము- దినప్రమాణము.ఇది 5 కాలములు. 1.ప్రాతఃకాలము , 2.సంగవకాలము , 3. మధ్యాహ్నకాలము , 4.అపరాహ్ణకాలము , 5.సాయంకాలము. · ప్రతి నిత్యం సూర్యోదయమునకు గల తిథిని ఆనాటి పూజా , వ్రత , శుభసమయములకు సంకల్పము చేయవలెనని శాస్త్ర ప్రమాణము. · ఆబ్దికాది పితృతిథులకు అపరాహ్ణము ముఖ్యం. · ఒక తిథి రెండు రోజులలో అపరాహ్ణ కాలమునకు వ్యాప్తి చెందినప్పుడు ఈ అపరాహ్ణ కాలమునకు వ్యాప్తి చెందినప్పుడు ఈ అపరాహ్ణ సమయమునకు , లిప్తలతో సహా ఎక్కువ వ్యాపించు రోజున ఆతిథికి సంబంధమగు ఆబ్దికములు పెట్టవలెను. పితృదేవతలకి ఆబ్దికం పెట్టడమనేది ప్రాచీనకాలం నుంచీ వస్తోంది. యజమాని తన పితృదేవతలకి ఇష్టమైన పదార్ధాలను వండించి, భోక్తలుగా బ్రాహ్మణులను పిలుస్తాడు. బ్రాహ్మణులు భోక్తవ్యం నిర్వహించాక వారికి దక్షిణ సమర్పించి నమస్కరిస్తాడు. బ్రాహ్మణులు సంతృప్తి చెందితే, పితృదేవతలు సంతృప్తి చెంద...
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