Nirjala Ekadashi will be observed on 5th June 2017, as per the Gregorian Calendar. This event is known to be the most strict and powerful Ekadashi among all.Going on a pilgrimage
Burning all the sins and mistakes
Gaining the virtues of all the 24 Ekadashis of the year
Cleaning all the impurities and negativity from the body and soul
On this Nirjala Ekadashi, worship Lord Vishnu and observe Nirjala Ekadasi fast to achieve longevity, happiness, salvation, wealth, and prosperity.
Burning all the sins and mistakes
Gaining the virtues of all the 24 Ekadashis of the year
Cleaning all the impurities and negativity from the body and soul
On this Nirjala Ekadashi, worship Lord Vishnu and observe Nirjala Ekadasi fast to achieve longevity, happiness, salvation, wealth, and prosperity.
Though Nirjala Ekadashi is not easy to observe, still performing it with the right rituals can open doors of success for you. Observe Nirjala Ekadasi and get the blessings of Lord Vishnu along with the washing off all your evils. If you are not able to observe the other Ekadasi Vrats of this year, then Nirjala Ekadashi Vrat can help you in compensating for each one of them.
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