Anant Vrata, Anantha Vratam (Anant Padmanabha swamy vratha), is a puja to Lord Vishnu observed on Anant Chaturdashi day.
Anant Vrat is performed on the fourteenth day in Shukla Paksha of Bhadrapad month.
Ananta Vratam is dedicated to Lord Ananta Padmanabha Swamy, who is Lord Vishnu appears in Anant Sayana form, reclines on Ananta (Aadi Seshu – Snake Anant). Anant vrata is performed by married couple for marital bliss.
Why Ananta Vrata is performed?
Devotees of Lord Vishnu believe that worship of Lord Vishnu in the form of Ananta Padmanabha, will remove their sorrows. The word ‘Ananta itself gives the meaning – endless. Endless joy and happiness is provided by performing Anantha Vratham. Ananta Vratam has to be observed for 14 consecutive years by married couple for their long and everlasting bond of love and affection.
R. Rama charyulu, pandit, mobile no:9989324294
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